Script It and Still Be YOU

Jan 16, 2023

You have a script and you feel like you have it nailed DOWN! You know every word and can say it without any hesitation. It's ready. 

QUESTION: How do you sound?

Ummm… I think good.

You have 2 options... sound like a robot as you read it (even when it's memorized) or make it YOU. 

Record yourself. EVEN IF IT WON’T be something on video… record yourself.

Now watch and listen... How do you sound?

Are you too fast? Too slow? Blah? Happy? Robot?

I love a good script and taking the time to know what you are going to say so you can speak with purpose... is really valuable. But, you still have to sound like you. 

HOW to make it YOU!

First... Slow down. I know you are trying to rush through it so you can be done. Or maybe you are trying to keep it short. If it's a time thing, then cut some of it out. Better to slow down and have them understand you than race through it. 

Next... Voice inflections. Smiling helps with this. Also laughing where you laugh. If something is exciting, make sure you are excited as you say it. 

Last... be conversational. Does it sound scripted? Take out words that you wouldn't normally say. I know you want to sound intelligent but it has the reverse effect when it doesn't sound natural. 

Whether it’s a phone call, a discovery, or a demo… being you is the best way to go. 

Remember people prefer working with humans. Someone they can connect with. Someone who will tell them the truth and they can trust. 

How you say it is just as important as what you say!

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