Be the Dot Connector

closing deals pain points Jan 31, 2023

TLDR:  Never leave it up to your prospect to connect the dots of your solution with their pain point. It's on YOU to connect those dots!


Is there anything worse than not being able to set the meeting or closing the deal that was a perfect fit?

Sure there are those that don’t have any pain points you solve… those are pretty difficult, if not impossible to win.

THEN there are those that really are exactly what your solution was made for.

Match made in heaven:

  • In your ICP 
  • Exact pain points you can solve.
  • Solve it better than any of your competitor



Years ago I had a rep that told me we lost the deal.

Me: What happened?

Rep: I don’t know. They said they decided to go with someone else.

Me: They give you any reasons?

Rep: No

So I called them up. Said I understand you decided to go with a different company. Would love some feedback on where we were off.

Their response still haunts me to this day… well we wanted something that did X, Y, and Z.

Any guesses on what are #1, #2 and #3 things we did and did better than anyone else… X, Y, and Z! 

So I came back to them and said I’m so sorry that you didn’t feel like we did those… those actually are the top 3 reasons why people go with us.

Their response (the dagger)… well we told the rep what we wanted up front and he just went into demo mode. He may have gotten to those things but we were so frustrated that we just tuned out.

It’s been 8 years and still remember it as though it was yesterday.

Not only did the rep fail them… I failed them. I FAILED to stress the importance of being the Dot Connector. The importance of dropping everything that didn’t matter to them and focusing on what matters the most to them.


So how do you not make this mistake:

You are making a cold call... focus on their pain points and them.

You are in the discovery call, focusing on them and what's most important to them.

Demos... NOTHING should be shown unless you know how it applies to them. Be specific about what this is going to solve for them directly.

I've seen so many opportunities never start or don't cross the finish line because of the focus on the product and not the pain points that matter to them.

REMEMBER: Your company does not matter to them. Your product doesn’t matter to them. It is 100% about what you can do for them… Nothing else!

So go out there and be the DOT CONNECTOR today and every day!


PS... Craminator Prospecting Boot Camp is ready for you to take action OR get the Craminator customized for your team to learn together. The time is NOW to turn that corner.

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