Controlling your Destiny with Prospecting

Jan 25, 2023

If you knew that the only thing you needed to hit your number is to consistently prospecting… would you do it?

Why is it, that everything seems more appealing than prospecting?

The reason for most is it’s hard. It’s never-ending and there are ZERO guarantees.

But you are in SALES and sales has ZERO guarantees!!!

The other reason is, some really don’t know how. The extent of their training has been… here are your leads, templates, and tools… GO!!!

What most struggle with doing when they prospect…

  • Lack of focus on pain points specific to the role you are reaching out to.
  • Emails are LONG and too broad
  • Focusing too much on your own product and company (because that's all you know) 
  • Trying to share ALL the things you do versus 1 focused point

So yes, everything seems more appealing than prospecting. Even cleaning the toilets all of a sudden has to be done when you should be prospecting.

The impact on your pipeline and hitting your numbers goes up significantly when you prospect. 

When you prospect, you are now in control of your own destiny instead of relying on others to supply you with leads that may or may not be the best quality. 

Make a plan and Prospect... EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.


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