Demos that Win Deals

Apr 18, 2023

TLDR: Know your demo inside and out on where and how you solve prospects' pain points.

Demo Time… for most this is what makes Sales fun. You had a killer discovery call and they are a perfect fit. Now you get to show them everything to make their dreams come true.

But then it didn’t go as well as you had hoped. They weren’t as excited as they should be. You got… that’s cool. Or great, well let me talk with the team.

Where did you go wrong?

Here’s the thing about demos… your product may be awesome BUT if it doesn’t focus on them and their pain points, then it doesn’t matter.

“But I covered everything for them and we solve their pain points”

There is a difference between solving their pain points and giving a demo that focuses on their pain points.

So here is what you need to do.

🤕 First… make a list of all the pain points you solve.

👾 Second… Next to each of those, what part of your product or solution solves those specific pain points

🗣️ Third… How do you describe how your product or solution solves those pain points?

🏋️‍♀️ Fourth… What examples can you share that your product or solution has benefitted others

Go through this and know this inside and out.

As far as flow… you don’t have to start with the biggest pain point or the weakest. Figure out the flow that makes the most sense based on their pain points and how your product flows to solve these.

If you are a leader… teach your demos like this. Make them focus more on what your product solves and less on how cool your product is.

Go win more deals with a killer demo!

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