Engaging Questions to Win Demos

demos questions Apr 25, 2023

Demo time! You know your product and how you are going to present everything.

BUT… Do you know what questions you are going to ask to engage them?

If your demo style is doing all the talking while they sit there and (hopefully) listen… it’s a HUGE MISS on your part.

By asking engaging questions, you can make your demo more interactive, get the audience more involved, and ultimately, increase your chances of closing the deal.

Move away from the general 'Any questions' and instead ask…

  • How would you use this?" - This question helps you understand the specific use cases and potential applications of your solution for your audience and can help you tailor your messaging accordingly.
  • "Who will this impact the most?" - Understanding the primary stakeholders and decision-makers who will be impacted by your solution can help you tailor your messaging and outreach to those individuals.
  • "What will this part specifically do for you?" - This question helps you understand the specific benefits that your audience is looking for and can help you tailor your messaging and features to their needs.
  • "Anything it wouldn't do for you to solve [specific pain point]?" - This question helps you identify potential limitations or concerns that your audience may have, and can help you address those concerns upfront.
  • "Where would you place this on solving (specific pain point) for you?" - This question can help you understand if this is solving the problem they have or if you are off base.
  • "How would this impact Y?" - This question helps you understand the broader impact that your solution may have on your audience's business or organization and can help you tailor your messaging and outreach accordingly.
  • "How much faster/better/smoother would this be?" - This question helps you quantify the potential benefits of your solution and can help you tailor your messaging and features to your audience's needs.
  • "Can you see how this would..." - By asking this open-ended question, you can encourage your audience to think creatively about the potential applications and benefits of your solution.
  • "Would this bring you one step closer to solving X?" - This question helps you understand your audience's broader goals and objectives, and can help you position your solution as a critical step towards achieving those goals.
  • "What happens if you solve X?" - By encouraging your audience to think about the broader implications of solving a particular pain point or challenge, you can help them understand the potential value of your solution.
  • "Which do you think your team would prefer?" - By asking this question, you can get a sense of the decision-making dynamics within your audience's organization and can tailor your messaging and outreach accordingly.

By asking these types of questions, you're not only helping the buyer to connect the dots between their pain points and your solution, but you're also gaining valuable insights into how and where to go next in the sales process.

So, next time you're in a demo, move away from the general "any questions?" and instead, try some of these engaging questions.

GUARANTEE… you will have a better pulse on where they are in the process and close more deals.

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