Getting the Interview!

Jan 10, 2023

You found the place you want to be and you are pumped! You apply and then CRICKETS… it is radio silence.

So you keep searching and searching. Applying and applying. The result is always the same for you, no response.

You know if someone just talks with you, they will LOVE you. You just need an INTERVIEW!

Then you get someone to answer you. It’s not really the job you wanted but they are the ONLY ones that responded to your application. Should you just take it?

Here is a little behind-the-scenes of where ALL of your applications are going

  • Literally, a Black Hole - no one is really looking at any of them. Maybe by chance, someone happens to open yours up and look but most likely not.

They are getting so many applications and they don’t have the resources to go through them all. So even if you are qualified and the absolute best fit… they never see you.

  • Getting passed up because you look just like everyone else. Resumes don’t show the real you. YOU show the real you.

So let’s talk about how you can show the REAL you to land the interview you want.

Again knowing that your application and resume most likely will never be seen, then it’s on you to get in front of the right people.

First off… do some research on who may be the hiring manager for this role. Often times it’s someone from HR or a Recruiter that posts the role but they aren't the decision maker. I wouldn’t completely ignore this person, but I want to target the hiring managers.

If this is an SDR or BDR role, this could be SDR/BDR Manager, Director of Business Development, Director of Sales, or possibly even VP of Sales. (Just depends on the organization and their Org Chart)

Next up… connect with them on LinkedIn.

Once you are connected... you can now send a message to them through text or my personal favorite... personalized video. 

Why I like the video route... Gives me a chance to show how I communicate and see my confidence. Just make sure you keep it short and to the point. (Vidyard and Loom are great options for this)

What should you say?  (In video and/or text)

Ideally… find something that you can personalize about them. (if they post or engage… use these as your opening)

Here is an example of a more general approach but specific to their company:

When I saw the job opening for your SDR role, I was so excited because ……. (what are you excited about - make it about them/their company)

Here is a little taste of how I would approach this role by being proactive, doing my research, and being a professional.

Look forward to the opportunity to connect and see how I can help build with you.

REMEMBER... keep your message short. The longer it drags on (video or text) it's a turn-off. First impressions are huge and you want the interview, not have them rule you out.

Want to send an email but don’t have their… Utilize Apollo with their free access ( to add contacts.

Now if you are thinking I don’t want to do all of this OR this was way too painful… maybe SDR / BDR / AE is not the right role for you. This is literally what you will be doing every day. ;) 

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