Winning on the Phone

Jan 17, 2023

Cold calls aren't to push or sell your product. It's to have a conversation and focus on their pain/problems that you can potentially solve for them. 

YES, making calls can be scary. What if you sound dumb? What if they ask you something you don’t know? What if, What if, What if… list can go on and on.

Here is the thing about being on the phone… you have a chance to be heard and get an answer. Sure the answer may be no but it may be YES!

First off… having a SCRIPT is so important. Here is why.

  1. If I get tripped up because of nerves OR something throws me off… I can look at my script and pick up where I left off.

  2. You have a VERY short amount of time to grab their attention before they tune you out. Rambling is NOT your friend.

Write your script and then practice and practice and practice and practice… you get the point. The words you say AND how you say them are equally as important. So practice it enough to be conversational.

When you are speaking… SLOW DOWN. I know you want to get through it quickly but if they can’t understand you, then the answer is NO. Especially since this is a cold call, they are trying to process what you are saying.

Have you answered the phone and you are so focused on trying to figure out who you are talking to that you aren’t even listening to what they are saying… I definitely do this all the time.

Enough talk about it... Here is the breakdown of your cold call:

Opening = Their Name, Your Name, Company WITH Short Description AND Icebreaker.

TIME = let them know you are going to be quick.

PAIN/Problem = THIS is the focus of the whole call. If they connect to this, you have a chance. Be specific that they understand what you are saying and either do or don't connect to this. 

Question =  Engage them

Pivots: Ready to take the conversation in whatever direction it needs to go. (THIS is something you have to be ready for… script lots of different areas to be ready)

Call to Action - Asking for the meeting BASED on their how they are engaging with you on the call. They say yes to your pain points, then focus on those. If they said NO to your pain points, you haven’t given them a reason. You have to connect to their pain points... or no need for either of you to move on. 



Hi David, this is Kim from the Craminator, THE driving results through prospecting company. You just answered a cold call, do you feel like you won the lottery?

—- Note here that when I say “The driving results through prospecting company” I’m going to slow down and emphasize. Most likely “The Craminator” means NOTHING to the other side and this is my line to give context.


I know I just called you out of the blue and you most likely have a full plate so I’ll be super quick.


The reason for my call is most teams when they are prospecting feel like they are spinning their wheels and not getting the results they want and should be getting.


Is your team currently doing outbound prospecting?


  • Yes - Exactly why I’m calling. Is your team getting the results that you feel they should be getting?

  • No - Exactly why I’m calling. Is this an area you have been wanting to look into?

Words I like to use:

Exactly why I called

Tell me more about that

Feel, Felt, Found (to handle an objection)

Call to Action

Sounds like from what I am hearing, you could benefit from learning how others are doing it to drive better results. Did I hear you right?

Does tomorrow or the next day work best for you?

Softer Close: Most have found it beneficial to see how others have been able to increase their funnel with a few simple tweaks and if nothing else they see what others are doing. Would that be helpful for you as well?


There it is! The biggest thing is uncovering whether they have a pain point or problem you can solve. They agree that it’s something they are curious about.

No one cares about your product. They don’t want a meeting to talk about your product. They only take a meeting because they have a problem that you can potentially solve for them. 

 Now go hit the phones!!! :) 


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